"Before, I was dreading being a mom and now my relationship with my children is fun!" - Kyla

"This did more for my family than five years of therapy!" - Samantha

Spring 2024 Session: March 6 - June 5, 2024


What's Mindful Mama Transformation Coaching?

It's a three-month group coaching experience for women who are ready to commit to becoming the grounded, thriving women they know they can be. 

With a small, select sisterhood, we will dedicate this time to the deeper inner and outer work of awakening as a mindful mama. 

It's about going beyond just surviving... to thriving. 

This is the place where you'll create a new story about your life and how you show up. 

Are you ready for that transformation?

The thing is...we can’t do it in a vacuum. 

We need loving guidance, community support, and counsel and deep listening from a trusted mentor.  

This program will help you bring mindfulness into your daily habits. It will transform your relationship with yourself, your relationships with others and your parenting.

You can feel awakened and confident, ready to dive into life. 

You can have clarity, self-acceptance, and self-love. 

You can have less stress and more ease. I'm here to show you how...

"Try this. It will give you a new perspective and may change your life." - Becky

"From day one Hunter’s lessons taught me how to be slower, calmer and more peaceful.

The practices that I learned from Hunter have not only helped me in parenting, but have affected other areas of my life, like my physical health and how I show up at work.

I felt very alone before and this group made a huge difference in my life - having other moms who are going through the same thing encourage and support you - and it felt so good to encourage others.

The space that Hunter creates allows parents to be vulnerable and to share everything in a way that way we can learn from one another.

I have rediscovered a connection to myself!

- Ratika Hansen

Are You Ready For Transformation?

Are you ready to embrace your role as model, leader and mentor in your family? Are you ready to “walk-the-talk,” knowing that the best parenting is in living what you want your kids to learn?

Are you willing to go deep and grow? Whole-hearted living requires us to embrace our shadow. Are you ready to have the courage to let yourself be seen?

Are you ready to embrace the sisterhood of a group experience? You will learn from each other and provide a network of support that is irreplaceable. 

In Mindful Mama Transformation Coaching You Will:

  • Learn how nurture yourself fully.
  • Get encouragement and support from other moms going through the same things you are.
  • Feel fully seen and heard like never before.
  • Learn parenting and communication skills that will radically improve your relationships.
  • Reconnect with yourself, learning to love and accept yourelf deeply and completely.
  • Transform harmful generational patterns. Heal and grow.

What My Clients Say:

“I have an adoptive daughter with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and we were struggling with our bond. We had been going to therapy for several years and it wasn’t getting us anywhere. So I thought we’d give this a try. 

I loved the group format, getting together with other moms. I found that everybody experiences similar frustrations. This class helped so much.It did more for my family than the clinician we’ve been seeing for five years. We get along better. There is not as much yelling. Our mornings were crazy and they’re not as bad now. I have more patience. I stop meltdowns before they happen. I see cues and can use communication skills to stay calm and to help her feel like she’s heard. 

If you’re looking at this, then what you’re doing isn’t working. Why not give this a try? It really does help.

- Samantha Spawn

“Before the Mindful Mama program, I was struggling with being mindful and present with my son, and wanting to stop the guilt/shame cycle I was in. I wanted to walk the talk. I was hoping to be more calm and clear and present with my son. 

Through the coaching, I learned that who I am is enough. Being ok with me and not shaming myself will ensure that I don't shame and guilt my son. Now, I do daily yoga and meditation. And I’ve realized that self care isn't pampering or selfish, it is vital to being a good mom. 

ABSOLUTELY do the program!!! I wouldn't hesitate for a second.

-Kim Sauerwine

"I was struggling with managing my own and my children's difficult emotions. I was struggling with a deep connection with them. I did not feel like "myself" in motherhood, and was often baffled with what the "correct" course of action was with their behavior. 

I learned that you cannot give what you do not have. Now, I regularly meditate each day, practicing the "loving-kindness" meditation, even if it’s 5 mins in the car or on the couch some days. This helps me come back to the situation with an open and confident heart and mind. 

I have referred others to this program. I helps with perspective in our mother role, and gives the encouragement to put our highest selves first so that we may be in a position to best guide our children authentically."

-Valerie Smith

“I didn't know what to expect going in but really I've had a complete transformation. 

I have so much joy now and the skills to deal with my children, doing meditation every day cultivating that as well as developing a yoga practice; all of it together has really given me the tools to make time for myself and find out who I am as a mom and my own person again. It's been wonderful! 

Before, I was dreading being a mom and now my relationship with my children is fun! My husband can see a huge change in me and I'm a lot happier!"

-Kyla Rainy

"Before the program I was really struggling with taking care of myself and paying attention to my needs. I was feeling totally worn out and in turn I was irritable and unable to be fully present with my kids. 

After settling myself through daily meditation and yoga I was able to come out of the "fog" and see a lot of things that I needed to work on. I have been able to begin to tackle them one by one, building on each new skill week-to-week. 

Now I am able to really listen to my kids. I am able to respond calmly, most of the time. And I take on less of the responsibility for other people's problems. Try this. It will give you a new perspective and may change your life."

- Becky Kelly

"Before the program, I was feeling lost and frustrated and I wanted to be a better mother I was very quick to anger to my daughter and I didn't want to do that to my daughter. I wanted to make myself better so that our relationship could improve.

Doing a daily practice of meditation and yoga really helps me stay grounded. I feel more confident and I have more patience with my daughter.

The group atmosphere is helpful due to accountability and there's not really anywhere to hide within the group sharing what has gone well and what challenges you still have weather and seeing how others approach similar situations makes you feel like you're not alone!"

-Daniela Hershberg

"Before coaching, I was having a lot of anxiety and feeling really disconnected from my family and really disconnected from my path. Now, I feel a lot more calm and patient with my son and I have a lot of tools that I can use. 

I would highly recommend the program. I have been talking about the group and how the meditation and the mindfulness has entirely changed my life, changed my perspective on things. It has given me the tools to kind of get out of the lows. The group environment allows for a lot of acceptance. You create your own little tribe -- in this group there is lot of compassion, kindness, understanding, and no judgments."

-Mary Ellen Johnson

"I celebrate just really making this commitment to this change that I want within myself. My family is recognizing it and even some of my friends are too! Before I was just crazy. Not that I am totally Zen, but that’s my goal. I am not that same person that I was few months ago!" 

- Siobahn

"Before the group coaching, my biggest struggle was feeling a sense of belonging.  

The transformation experience was awesome and exactly what I needed. The best part about it was the sense of camaraderie, we’re in this together.It’s definitely worth it. I feel like a different person. I literally feel like a weight has been lifted. The transformation course solidified everything I had already been taught and was learning. This helped play out the real world application because each week we could talk about the scenarios. I could give dozens of examples of how I’ve reacted differently in many situations, not just with my 3-year-old, in dealing with in-laws or co-workers. I’m more able to take pause and literally feel my brain stopping. " 

- Bethany 

"I am really proud to say that I am less negative, have a more positive attitude and outlook on life in general -- also on motherhood and parenting! I am more relaxed, which was one of my goals." 

- Rachel

“Before the group, I was feeling I was stuck and a little resentful of where I was in life. Not feeling like I really had any control over what I would do next. That feeling that I was just like on this treadmill that was going nowhere. That was why I did it. It was probably the best decision I have ever made. 

Now I have lot of clarity. Now I feel so much more positive and confident. I definitely feel much more connected to my family and I understand where my kids are coming from lot more. I am not just mad at them full time. I stop myself before I yell at them. 

Just do it. Again it is one of the best decisions that I've made. You can’t go wrong. Hunter’s awesome!

- Nidhi Kukreja

"I wanted to say thank you for a wonderful months in the Mindful Mamas Mentoring Group. I grew so much. I am now much more grounded. I can access a ‘state of calm’ much more easily than I was able to before. 

I really benefited from the fact that I celebrated my wins every weeks and that I was being held accountable for my goals, it made it much easier for me to accomplish them. I finally made headway into the de-cluttering project I had been putting off for years. 

I am so glad I made the investment of both my time and my money. Initially, I was uncertain if I should spend the money as it was not really in our budget and seemed like a very steep price. I am so glad I decided to do so. It was definitely worthwhile! 

Being part of a ‘Mama sisterhood’ was so beneficial. So many times it seems like we are ‘alone’ in our journey, and being able to connect with other mamas each week was so rewarding. Thanks again."  

- Jacqueline

What Past Participants Have Said:

What You'll Receive:

3 Months of Live Group Coaching Calls with Hunter

  • Over 20 years experience in yoga and mindfulness practices
  • Certified in Mindfulness Meditation Teaching, Parent Effectiveness Training, Life Coaching Training, and more
  • Creator of the Mindful Parenting course

Each week, we’ll meet by video as a group so you can receive personal coaching from me, diving into your most important questions. You'll get the understanding and support you need to move through your hidden blocks. 

1-On-1 Coaching Sessions with Hunter

  • Pre-group intake session
  • Follow-up session

Supportive Sisterhood

  • Positive Peer Pressure
  • Maximize Your Success

The group is a safe and sacred space to ask questions, share realizations, and let the group know what you’re up to. Loving and supportive sisterhood like you’ve never experienced.

Personalized Mindfulness Practices and Assignments

  • Worksheets
  • Meditations
  • Yoga Videos
  • Video and Audio lessons

With personal attention over time, Hunter will get to know you and your needs. You'll recieve mindfulness tools and practices that are personalized to your individual situation and challenges. 

Plus You'll Get These BONUSES

MINDFUL PARENTING RETREAT 1-Day In-Person, April 20, Wilmington, DE

Join Hunter in-person on April 20th with a complimentary pass to her 1-day retreat and live podcast! Take a day to rest, renew, and learn IRL.

Mindful Parenting Membership... for BOTH you and your partner

  • 8 powerful modules
  • Video and Audio lessons
  • Exclusive workbook
  • Live group Q&A sessions
  • Access to the Mindful Parenting Online Community

Mindful Parenting is the ground-breaking course which teaches parents how to become less reactive inside and exactly how to respond to every parenting challenge you face. It helps you create loving relationships for life!

The DAILY PRACTICE 28-Day Immersion into Yoga for Self-Care

28-day yoga for self-care immersion course for moms that combines the most anatomically-sound yoga instruction with mindfulness and self-awareness to create an unstoppable habit of mindful self-care.


You'll play this powerful audio on repeat again and again, training your mind to empower you rather than tear yourself down. This inner empowerment leads to more compassion for you and for everyone you touch! Only available here. 

Here Is Our Schedule:

We meet on Wednesdays at 11 AM EST/ 8am PST -OR- Evening group at 7pm EST/ 4pm PST

March 6 | Mindful Self-Care

March 13| Self-Awareness

March 20 | Self-Compassion

March 27| Take Care of Difficult Feelings

April 3| Simplify For a Peaceful Home

April 10 | Dealing with Your Inner Critic

April 17 | Mindful Parenting - Listening

April 24 | Setting Limits Mindfully

May 1 | Resolving Conflicts Mindfully

May 8 | Self-Acceptance    

May 14, 22 BREAK

May 29 |  Inner Mentor

June 5 | Completion

It's your time to grow. Join MMTC now!

Join Mindful Mama Transformation Coaching Now!

Your investment: $4557 $3447 or 3 payments of $1297

Payment plans available with Affirm & AfterPay


"It was probably the best decision I ever made!" - Nidhi

Frequently Asked Questions


90 minutes.


While it's important to make sure that you can make the majority of the calls, don't worry if you have to miss one! Each call will be recorded and you can submit your questions ahead of time. 


If you are a "spare the rod, spoil the child" type of parent, this group will NOT be for you. I teach you how to create cooperative relationships with your children without using threats or punishment. You may call it "conscious" or "peaceful" parenting, but it's based on close, connected relationships, and holding healthy boundaries with compassion.  


You and your partner will have access to the Mindful Parenting Membership program during the course of your coaching! Mindful Parenting is the ground-breaking course which teaches parents how to become less reactive inside and exactly how to respond to every parenting challenge you face. It helps you create loving relationships for life. You partner can learn along with you.  


Your investment is $4557 $3447 or you can opt for a payment plan with AfterPay or Affirm for as little as $299/month (The payment plan offered by AfterPay or Affirm may vary, click the button to join to see what payment plans are available).

This price includes weekly group coaching calls, personalized assignments, a private forum, unlimited email support between sessions, guided meditations, yoga practices, and conscious parenting training. You essentially become my VIP, where I give you personal attention and high-level support. 


We meet on Wednesdays beginning on March 6:

11AM EST/ 8am PST

7pm EST/ 4pm PST


You don't need to do anything before the mastermind, and it will come with a clear week-by-week outline of what we are going to cover.